Sunset at Finisterre

Sunset at Finisterre

Monday, August 11, 2008

Time Running Out

Lots of walking, added some running and love the new boots I purchased last week. Scary, getting squished feet so close to departure, however, problem corrected with better and bigger boots!. tested them out in a down pour and long hike on Saturday and aside from cramped toes, all is well.
Ready to go except for the wait now - 2 more weeks. I am thinking about all sorts of things these days. Taking off on a adventure like this is such a new experience for me. I am both excited by the prospect of such an unusual thing to do and as well, sort of conflicted by a fear of the unknown. Everyone tells me 'just do it' and the Camino will provide, so I believe them and trust in my instict which has served me well over my life.
Never been so organized about anything before, in fact, I could be ready to leave in 10 minutes if I had to. Have sorted out so many little issues that were a struggle for me - how much shampoo, what about laundry soap, which top, which pants, where do I find a whistle etc etc. All solved by my very methodical lists and adventures into the stores in the past months.
Now, I think about what it will be like to get on the road and board the plane and enter into that strange place of being a solo traveller - and not just to the destination as I have done so many times before. This is where the courage is required - trusting that I have made a good decision and the process will unfold as intended.
This is when I think about Tom (my son) who has taken off for Korea 3 time now and done well diving into the unknown - culture, language, territory and people - and has set a remarkable example for me - good for you Tom Tom to be such an inspiration for your Mom.
More later - M

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